Title Sequence for BBC2's SPENT

  • MONTACLE - Spent_Still_01
  • MONTACLE - Spent_Still_02
  • MONTACLE - Spent_Still_03
  • MONTACLE - Spent_Still_04
  • MONTACLE - Spent_Still_05
  • MONTACLE - Spent_Still_06
  • MONTACLE - Spent_Still_07

SPENT Title Sequence - Various Artists Limited / BBC2

RTS Craft Award Nominated

Shortlisted for the 2024 RTS Craft Awards in the Title Design category.

This is the Title Sequence I designed adn animated for the BBC2 comedy series "SPENT" with Various Artists Limited early in 2024.

The series, by Michelle De Swarte, tracks the life of Mia, a fashion model, whose career in New York comes to an end and she returns to Brixton with little money and a suitcase full of couture. Consumerism and gentrification have changed the town she grew up in and she struggles to come to terms with a life less glamourous than the one she left behind in the US.